2023 Innovation Series:
Innovations In Lending


Lending is top of mind for most credit unions right now. Are you looking for solutions to help you grow loans and better serve members? Are you just interested in seeing what’s hot in lending technology right now? Either way, join us for our Innovation Series on Tuesday, March 7. The team at CreditUnions.com hand-picked four finalists to share their awesome innovations with you. Read more about them in Meet The Finalists For The 2023 Innovation Series: Lending on Creditunions.com 

After the event, you get to vote on which innovation should be crowned the 2023 Grand Finalist.

Tuesday, March 07 | 2 p.m. ET

Featuring Our Finalists:

Callahan & Associates | 1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 1001 | Washington, DC 20036
Contact Us: 800.446.7453