Free Digital Download:
15 Key Ratios Your Board Should Know

In this digital download, we've curated 15 key ratios that we think all board members (regardless of tenure, credit union size, location, etc.) should know not only by definition but also by how their cooperative is performing relative to peers.
Why these ratios? They cover the basics across the income statement and balance sheet while providing insight into the credit union’s performance, impact, and overall health.

Want More? Callahan can help.

Credit union executives have been partnering with Callahan & Associates to virtually present at their board meetings. We’ll meet with you in advance to learn about your credit union’s goals, pain points, priorities, and strategic vision and then craft a 60-minute presentation that serves as a valuable third-party perspective for your board and executive team.

Fill out the form to download 15 Key Ratios Your Board Should Know and indicate in the form how Callahan can follow-up to help facilitate the discussion of data, benchmarking, and performance with your team and board.

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