Callahan's Virtual Roundtable:
Influencers, Athletes & Spokespeople, Oh My!
Tuesday, February 18 | 2:00 PM ET
Looking to collaborate with peers in a meaningful way while still managing a busy schedule? The Callahan team invites you to join us and a select group of your peers for uninterrupted collaboration time and the chance to build a meaningful network.

As a leader, we know schedules get busy and adding travel to your calendar isn’t always feasible – that’s why we bring the networking to you. These virtual events last 60 to 90 minutes, and we ask attendees to be ready to engage and appear on camera so that all parties can get the most out of the experience.

What's On the Agenda?

Each event is segmented by department and attendance is capped, so you’re guaranteed to walk away with relevant information and ideas. You’ll have the opportunity to pose questions, receive feedback, and engage in open dialogue with fellow executives to share how your credit union is responding to the needs of members and employees. Here are topics already submitted:

  • Alignment: How do you ensure alignment between an influencer’s personal brand and your credit union’s values and mission? What criteria or metrics do you use to identify the “right” influencer or spokesperson for your credit union? How important is it for influencers or spokespeople to have firsthand experience with your credit union’s products or services?
  • Measuring Success: What goals are you prioritizing when considering influencer or spokesperson partnerships (e.g., brand awareness, membership growth, product adoption)? What type of content or campaigns have worked best for you when using influencers (e.g., testimonials, educational content, event promotion)? What tools or platforms do you find most effective for tracking the success of influencer campaigns?
  • Member Reactions: How do your members respond to influencer marketing efforts compared to more traditional approaches? What feedback mechanisms do you use to understand the impact of these campaigns on member trust and engagement?
  • Risk & Reward: How do you manage the risk of an influencer or spokesperson’s actions negatively impacting your credit union’s reputation? What budget strategies have you found effective for balancing cost and impact in influencer marketing?
The agenda is completely controlled by attendees to encourage beneficial discussions around top-of-mind topics. Have something you’re dying to discuss? Let us know!

Who Should Attend?

This roundtable is intended for the senior-most marketing executive at your credit union. However, we know each institution is unique, so if you are unsure who should attend, let’s chat about it! Due to the popularity and limited space, we kindly ask that you register no more than one person from your credit union.

*Our roundtables are open to those with a subscription that contains roundtable access, and over 200m in assets.

Register Your Seat At The Table.

Keep Collaboration Going

Join us at our upcoming Marketing Roundtable in Nashville June 10-11.

There’s no substitute for the impactful discussions and inspiration that happen when like-minded leaders gather with a shared purpose. Our in-person roundtable events expand on virtual discussions by offering a full day for deeper conversations about the industry. Combined with an introductory happy hour and dinner the night before, attendees return to their organizations with invaluable insights and connections they can’t find elsewhere.

Register your spot here.