Is The NCUA Finally Doing The Right Thing?
The Case for Merging the TCCUSF & NCUSIF
Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 2:00 PM ET
In July 2017, the NCUA Board proposed to merge the Temporary Corporate Credit Union Stabilization Fund (TCCUSF) into the NCUSIF. It fast-tracked the effort in order to complete the merger in September 2017. But the NCUA’s staff recommendation on how to implement it is flawed.
So what’s at stake? Over $1.8 billion of your members’ money!
Join Chip Filson, Chairman of Callahan & Associates, on Tuesday August 29th @ 2 PM Eastern to understand the case for the merger and why the structure proposed by the staff should not be allowed to stand. Your comments to NCUA are due no later than September 5, 2017.